Oracle Database 12c Client/Driver installation on Windows 7 or Windows 10
November 22, 2017
Oracle Database 12c, Tableau 10, Tableau 10.2, Tableau 10.3, Windows 10, Windows 7
Installation of Oracle 12c Client Software
- Download the Oracle Client from
- Launch the installation by running the .\winx64_12102_client\client after extracting the zip file
- Choose Administrator and click Next.
- Choose English and click Next.
- Choose Use Windows Built-in Account and click Next.
- Set the Oracle Base to “C:\Oracle” and the Software Location to “C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\client_64” and click Next.
- Select 64-bit Native Mode and click Next.
- Complete any prerequisite issues, if presented.
- Click Install to start the installation.
- Click Finish.
After Installation, Set the system environment variable and copy the Oracle connection files to the appropriate location
Create TNS_ADMIN environment variable
- Launch System Properties from the Control Panel (Control Panel → System and Security → System)
- Click Advanced system settings.
- Click Environment Variables.
- Click the bottom “New” button under the System Variables section.
- Type “TNS_ADMIN” as the Variable name and “C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\client_64\network\admin” as the Variable value (without quotes) and click OK.
- Click OK to close Environment Variables.
Copy and existing TNSNAMES.ora and SQLNET.ora files to the new installation directory, or create your own, depending on your organization
- Browse to your copy of the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora and right-click on them and choose copy.
- In another window, browse to C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\client_64\network\admin and past these two files in this directory.
- Verify that the files were copied directly by using tnsping to ping a connection to a database instance.
- Open a command prompt window.
- Type “tnsping <DBSERVER>” and press enter.
- The last line of the output should say OK (## msec) which shows a successful ping.