Hyperion / Oracle EPM Client Install from Workspace Error
I was getting a 404 or 500 error when trying to install the Hyperion clients from within the Workspace. I use Oracle Application Server (OHS) to redirect traffic to HTTPS on port 19433. I do not have security setup within Weblogic, just via the HTTP server.
I found a support article that said to edit the httpd.conf file within the OHS config folder (D:\oracle\Middleware\user_projects\epmsystem1\httpConfig\ohs\config\OHS\ohs_component), but mine worked for plain http over port 19000. So I had to add the following within the virtual host section of the ssl.conf:
<VirtualHost hostname:80> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/interop/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/raframework/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/workspace/static/(.*) /epmstatic/wspace/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/workspace/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/HyperionPlanning/help/(.*) /epmstatic/planning/docs/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/calcmgr/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/awb/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/WebAnalysis/static/(.*) /epmstatic/webanalysis/$1 [PT] </VirtualHost>
My file actually looked like this afterwards, which I added before the last </VirtualHost> for the SSL configuration:
RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/interop/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/raframework/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/workspace/static/(.*) /epmstatic/wspace/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/workspace/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/HyperionPlanning/help/(.*) /epmstatic/planning/docs/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/calcmgr/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/awb/bpmstatic/(.*) /epmstatic/bpmui/$1 [PT] RewriteRule ^/WebAnalysis/static/(.*) /epmstatic/webanalysis/$1 [PT] Include ${ORACLE_INSTANCE}/config/${COMPONENT_TYPE}/${COMPONENT_NAME}/epm_online_help.conf RewriteRule ^/InsightInstaller/(.*) /raframework/zeroadmin/component/Insight/$1 [PT] </VirtualHost>
I hope this helps somebody else.
I’ve noticed that opening the Hyperion (Interactive Reporting) client on workspace causes the internet explorer to crash. This happens mostly on 64-bit systems with windows 7 and IE-9 and occasionally on 32-bit systems. We’e been trying to fix this issue for weeks. Here’s some more info:
1. The IR client crashes on fewer systems, if during installation, we deselect the ‘widgets’ option.
2. The client also crashes on fewer systems, if we uninstall JRE first, install IR Web client and then reinstall Java
But we need something that works on all systems.
As there a large number of PCs accessing the client, it is not feasible to go to each one in turn. Could you suggest a way to fix it on the server side itself, so that the clients need not be altered?
I haven’t noticed this problem when using the plugin. I had a problem with the Studio client (or thick client as we call it at work) crash constantly on Windows 7. We did delete the widget.xml file from the …\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\biplus\common\config, but that seems to be the only fix for now (per Article ID 1467443.1). What version of Java are you using? I read somewhere that the EPM suite apps work best with the Java 6 Series, and I think 6u34 is the latest.
I’ll keep a lookout for any problems within out offices with this. As for now, I had our Citrix/Xen group create a virtualized IE 8 instance that has the plugin installed, so that our users log into the Citrix server and launch the IE from there. That is working perfectly. I’m pushing this Citrix method with some users, because they are not Local Administrators on their machines and this doesn’t require the plugin to be installed locally. I also have my current users accessing the workspace via Citrix, since IE9 is definitely not supported with the series.
I just looked at the support.oracle.com, and they released Patch 14200932 a month ago. It fixes several IE9 problems. Have you installed it? I installed it a few weeks ago, so that might be why I haven’t seen these problems. The latest patch version states that it fixes the following problems/bugs:
Defect Number key is pressed in the Search Field of “Member Selection” Dialog. key opens a New Tab.
Defect Fixed
• 13563197
CHR() Strings are not properly exported to XLSX
• 13768608
IE9: Dashboard: Position of Button Titles is incorrect.
• 13768695
IE9: Dashboard: Graphics Objects are Truncated.
• 13769204
IE9: Dashboard: Dimensions of Controls are reset after a Scripting call.
• 13769681
IE9: Dashboard: Scroll doesn’t work for Embedded Pivot/Result/Table.
• 13802977
Unable to Refresh Variable Limits on a Master Data Model using a Script.
• 13804932
IE9: Default Browser Context Menu appears on Right Click.
• 13805156
IE9: Cube Query: Search within Catalog List – Close button near the Search String box disappears unexpectedly.
• 13805262
IE9: Cube Query: Help Page Opens when
• 13813129
IE9: Accessibility Features including Arrow Key Navigation through Table cells not working.
• 13816719
IE9: Charts SpeedMenu (Right Click) is covered by Default Browser Context Menu.
• 13835464
IE9: Cube Query: Layout of Buttons is Incorrect in the ‘Catalog List’ Pane.
• 13845452
IE9: Button Titles are Truncated on “Drill To” Dialog.
• 13856073
IE9: Unable to select the entire Data Grid in a Pivot when the user clicks a Data Cell.
• 13857154
IE9: Pivot: Unable to select entire Row/Column using Pivot Handles.
• 13857171
IE9: Chart: Selecting multiple Bars in a Bar Chart using
• 13866329
FF10+: Dashboard: Updating Embedded Section Object shows an error “isSameNode() is not a function”.
• 13926456
XLSX Export crashes if XLSX filename contains more than 120 double-byte characters.
I’ve noticed that opening the Hyperion (Interactive Reporting) client on workspace causes the internet explorer to crash. This happens mostly on 64-bit systems with windows 7 and IE-9 and occasionally on 32-bit systems. We’e been trying to fix this issue for weeks. Here’s some more info:
1. The IR client crashes on fewer systems, if during installation, we deselect the ‘widgets’ option.
2. The client also crashes on fewer systems, if we uninstall JRE first, install IR Web client and then reinstall Java
But we need something that works on all systems.
As there a large number of PCs accessing the client, it is not feasible to go to each one in turn. Could you suggest a way to fix it on the server side itself, so that the clients need not be altered?
I just looked at the support.oracle.com, and they released Patch 14200932 a month ago. It fixes several IE9 problems. Have you installed it? I installed it a few weeks ago, so that might be why I haven’t seen these problems. The latest patch version states that it fixes the following problems/bugs:
Defect Number key is pressed in the Search Field of “Member Selection” Dialog. key opens a New Tab.
Defect Fixed
• 13563197
CHR() Strings are not properly exported to XLSX
• 13768608
IE9: Dashboard: Position of Button Titles is incorrect.
• 13768695
IE9: Dashboard: Graphics Objects are Truncated.
• 13769204
IE9: Dashboard: Dimensions of Controls are reset after a Scripting call.
• 13769681
IE9: Dashboard: Scroll doesn’t work for Embedded Pivot/Result/Table.
• 13802977
Unable to Refresh Variable Limits on a Master Data Model using a Script.
• 13804932
IE9: Default Browser Context Menu appears on Right Click.
• 13805156
IE9: Cube Query: Search within Catalog List – Close button near the Search String box disappears unexpectedly.
• 13805262
IE9: Cube Query: Help Page Opens when
• 13813129
IE9: Accessibility Features including Arrow Key Navigation through Table cells not working.
• 13816719
IE9: Charts SpeedMenu (Right Click) is covered by Default Browser Context Menu.
• 13835464
IE9: Cube Query: Layout of Buttons is Incorrect in the ‘Catalog List’ Pane.
• 13845452
IE9: Button Titles are Truncated on “Drill To” Dialog.
• 13856073
IE9: Unable to select the entire Data Grid in a Pivot when the user clicks a Data Cell.
• 13857154
IE9: Pivot: Unable to select entire Row/Column using Pivot Handles.
• 13857171
IE9: Chart: Selecting multiple Bars in a Bar Chart using
• 13866329
FF10+: Dashboard: Updating Embedded Section Object shows an error “isSameNode() is not a function”.
• 13926456
XLSX Export crashes if XLSX filename contains more than 120 double-byte characters.
Robert – this was very helpful. Thank you!
Robert – this was very helpful. Thank you!