Tag: Essbase 9

Essbase: Validate a database against any errors with Maxl (part 2)

You have two options for attempting to validate an Essbase database: Esscmd and Maxl. This post is for using Maxl. admin@epmdbserver:/home/admin>startMaxl.sh Essbase MaxL Shell 64-bit - Release 11.1.2 (ESB11. Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. MAXL>...

Essbase: Validate a database against any errors with Esscmd (Part 1)

You have two options for attempting to validate an Essbase database: Esscmd and Maxl. This post is for using Esscmd. Esscmd: admin@epmdbserver:/home/admin>startEsscmd.sh Essbase Command Mode Interface 64-bit - Release 11.1.2 (ESB11. Copyright (c) 1991, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights...