Category: RnA-Reporting and Analysis

Notepad++ Silent Install Script

Similarly to the 7-zip silent install script, I also use the following script on my servers during their original build and patching: pushd "\\epmfileserver\share\utilities" npp.6.6.9.Installer.exe /S popd I’m not sure if any of you have ever used pushd and popd, but...

7-zip Silent Install Script

I’m just sharing a little script I use to install 7zip in silent mode. pushd "\\\share\utilities" 7z920-x64.msi /q INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\7-Zip" popd I’m not sure if any of you have ever used pushd and popd, but they are pretty handy. The pushd...

EPM installTool and configTool – Record Response File for Silent Installation

I use the following to record an installation response file details to use as a future silent install and config task. This will create a unique file name each time, to avoid overwriting the previous: ./ -record EPM_11_1_2_4_Install_$(hostname -s)_$(echo $RANDOM)_RunAs_$(whoami).rsp The...

EPM Financial Reporting – Batch Export Folder Locations

EPM Financial Reporting – Batch Export Folder Locations Note: If you have never launched the FRConfig utility or get an error message, do the following step first. Set EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE path Edit E:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\financialreporting\bin\setInstance.cmd in notepad. Add your EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE path after the equal...

EPM Reporting and Analysis Web Application will not deploy

I have a ticket open with oracle about my Reporting and Analysis Web Application not deploying successfully. According to the config tool, everything deployed successfully. But the framework can not be started when trying to connect via the workspace. I get...