Category: Remote Administration

Recovering Files from EBS Backup’s Recover Command on Linux Server

Linux Step-by-step guide Log in to an SSH session Change to the directory that needs to have a file or folder restored cd /etc execute recover recover versions versions Change the restore time to an earlier date closer to the backup...

7-zip Silent Install Script

I’m just sharing a little script I use to install 7zip in silent mode. pushd "\\\share\utilities" 7z920-x64.msi /q INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\7-Zip" popd I’m not sure if any of you have ever used pushd and popd, but they are pretty handy. The pushd...

Cron script to check Planning web app status

I was searching around for a way to monitor my Planning web servers, and I found the following post by Mike ( I followed his advise, but customized his commands into the following script (which I croned) to both email and...