Category: Planning

Change/Update EPM/Hyperion Shared Services Database Server

Change/Update EPM/Hyperion Shared Services Database Server STEP 0: Stop ALL EPM Components STEP 1: Migrated Databases and all objects from previous database server to the new database server. STEP 2: Execute Configtool on each server to reconfigure the Shared Services/Foundation database...

Notepad++ Silent Install Script

Similarly to the 7-zip silent install script, I also use the following script on my servers during their original build and patching: pushd "\\epmfileserver\share\utilities" npp.6.6.9.Installer.exe /S popd I’m not sure if any of you have ever used pushd and popd, but...

7-zip Silent Install Script

I’m just sharing a little script I use to install 7zip in silent mode. pushd "\\\share\utilities" 7z920-x64.msi /q INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\7-Zip" popd I’m not sure if any of you have ever used pushd and popd, but they are pretty handy. The pushd...

EPM installTool and configTool – Record Response File for Silent Installation

I use the following to record an installation response file details to use as a future silent install and config task. This will create a unique file name each time, to avoid overwriting the previous: ./ -record EPM_11_1_2_4_Install_$(hostname -s)_$(echo $RANDOM)_RunAs_$(whoami).rsp The...

Exporting Security Out of Hyperion Planning Application via Oracle Database Repository

I found the below article after hours of searching for a solution for us. I hope this helps others.   EPM 11.1.2 – Exporting Security out of Hyperion Planning application By Ruben Verghese on Sep 03, 2011 copied from You...

Cron script to check Planning web app status

I was searching around for a way to monitor my Planning web servers, and I found the following post by Mike ( I followed his advise, but customized his commands into the following script (which I croned) to both email and...