I found this online at http://michael.peopleofhonoronly.com/vim/vim_cheat_sheet_for_programmers_print.png I hope others find it useful. [ad#ad-post]...
I found the following table on this IBM developer blog post. This is very handy: Table of all umask modes and resulting file permissions and directory permissions generated from script: umask File Permissions Directory Permissions umask File Permissions Directory Permissions 0...
I had to copy all of the files (calc scripts) from my Essbase servers’ application directories, and wanted to preserve the folder layout in the destination. I ran the following against all of my servers to achieve this: cp --parents `find...
I was searching around for a way to monitor my Planning web servers, and I found the following post by Mike (https://grepular.com/Monitor_Your_Website_Automatically_From_Cron). I followed his advise, but customized his commands into the following script (which I croned) to both email and...
I find these commands useful to kill all processes running from a given script or have the same process name: kill -9 `ps -ef | grep scriptname.sh | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}’` kill -9 `ps -ef | grep...
I had to join several Windows 7 machines to a Samba 3.6 domain on CentOS 6. In order to join, you must make the following registry changes: HKLM\System\CCS\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters DWORD DomainCompatibilityMode = 1 DWORD DNSNameResolutionRequired = 0 If you haven’t created a...
To disable SELinux on RHEL6, you must edit the /etc/sysconfig/selinux config file, and add “SELINUX=disabled”. Do not edit the existing “SELINUXTYPE=” like I have done a couple time and rebooted. If you do that, when rebooting you will get a “init...
Since disks are listed by their UUIDs in RHEL6 (most of the time) in the FSTAB, sometimes you’ll need to figure out which disk or partition that the FSTAB is referring to. blkid /dev/sda1 [ad#ad-post]...
Install Xming from http://sourceforge.net/projects/xming. Create a new or modify a SSH session in SecureCRT and check the following box under Connection -> Port Fowarding -> Remote/X11. Make sure X Forwarding is enabled on the server: yum -y install xorg-x11-apps xorg-x11-xauth xorg-x11-utils sed...